What is a WSQ?

WATCH - Get the concept

Watch video, making use of the pause and rewind button to make sure you understand what is being said and written down
  • Take notes in your notebook. These notes should include everything I write down (with extra clarifying notes for yourself) as well as important things that I say (written in your own words). If something doesn’t make sense, then make note of it (idea: write a ? in highlighter and then jot down exactly what didn’t make sense, because most likely you won’t remember the next day! It is also a good idea to timestamp where in the video you had a question so we can go back to it if needed)
  • Whenever I start to work out an example problem and you think you know how to do it, pause the video and try it yourself. Then, fast forward to the end of the problem to see if you got it right (not just the answer, but the work, too!). If you did, that’s great! Move on. If not, then rewind and watch/listen to me show you how to work it out properly. Remember that you learn by DOING, and if all you do is watch me do math problems all day while you copy them down, you are not learning anything.

SUMMARIZE - Make sense of the concept

Answer the prompts given on the Online WSQ form:
  • “Guided Summary": Sometimes you will be given specific questions to answer. Make sure to read all parts of the question and answer completely in full sentences. Compare answers (depth, breadth, and correctness) so you know where your misconceptions or confusions lie)
  • “Open Summary”: Sometimes you will be asked to summarize the content. These summaries can be paragraphs, bullet points, or thinking maps (unless specified). Make sure the summaries cover all the key points of the video(s) that were assigned. In open summaries, you must highlight a minimum of three math vocabulary words used in context.

QUESTION - Think deeper about the concept

Ask a question about the video. Use your HOT question starters to help you phrase it in a good way. It can be:
  • A question you are still confused about (be specific, refer to time frame in video!).
  • A question that connects this video to a previous video.
  • A question you think you know the answer to, but you want to challenge your classmates with.

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